Using CONTROL to try and lose weight in the form of diets is done from a place of fear and not love for yourself. You won't be able to maintain this forever. It is the work of the ego and not your true self which only knows LOVE. With LOVE for yourself you can conquer anything. LET GO of CONTROL, connect inwards to your true power. Below are some loving steps to help with your long lasting natural weight loss journey.
Step 1: When you are hungry, EAT
- Your body stores more fat when you:
• Starve yourself; your metabolism slows down so body can conserve energy.
• Eat only at meal times and not when hungry.
• Feel guilty for eating the wrong food.
- You need to listen to your body more, trust your body will tell you when you’re hungry.
- Eat when feeling fairly hungry (between 3 and 4 on the hunger scale) NOT when ravenous as bodies gone into starvation mode, therefore it will store more fat and you eat more usually.
- Hunger can often be thirst, therefore drink water, wait 10minutes and if still hungry eat.
1. Physically faint
2. Ravenous
3. Fairly hungry
4. Slightly hungry
5. Neutral
6. Pleasantly satisfied
7. Full
8. Stuffed
9. Bloated
10. Nauseous
RULE 2: Know the difference between TRUE hunger & EMOTIONAL hunger
- True hunger comes on gradually and you feel it in your solar plexus.
- Emotional hunger is felt in your abdomen, when you experience this hunger NO food will satisfy this hunger. This hunger will be connected to a need or desire which isn’t being met; this will show up as a feeling. Accept this feeling, and give it space to be there. Don’t try push it way or numb it with food.
RULE 3: Eat what you want
- When you’re trying to control what you eat it can be very exhausting.
- As you begin to make peace with food and learn to listen to the wisdom of your body you will experience freedom from the tension and guilt that comes from NOT following your intuition.
- This is why there are NO forbidden foods in my system – you can eat anything you want any time you are hungry, providing you take the time to really, really enjoy it.
RULE 4: Eat CONSCIOUSLY and enjoy every mouthful
- “Overweight people” spend all their time thinking about food – except when they’re actually eating it.
- People often shovel food into their mouths as quickly as possible in order to get a serotonin high (replace that negative feeling they have). Unfortunately because they eat UNCONSCIOUSLY they never notice the signal from their stomach that lets them know they are full, therefore stuffing themselves!!
- The problem is that it’s a temporary high, they then feel FAT and GUILTY afterwards. They feel so bad they repeat the whole ritual of unconsciously stuffing themselves again in order to anaesthetize the bad feelings they just created.
- NB- You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want, so long as you eat consciously and fully enjoy every single mouthful.
RULE 5: When you think you’re full, STOP eating
- To lose weight effortlessly and keep it off, you must begin working with your body and not against it. People often over eat by not listening to their bodies needs, this way we are doing our bodies more harm.
- As soon as you’ve had enough to eat you’ll notice that each subsequent bite of food becomes a little less enjoyable than the one before. As soon as this happens STOP eating.
Some of this information was taken from the book, "I can make you thin" by Paul Mckenna.
Weight Issue? Stressed? No Self-Confidence? You have come to the right place. I am a weight loss coach who is extremely passionate about helping people overcome their issues with food. If this sounds like you please be in touch. Go to:
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Friday, 30 July 2010
Is weight your PROBLEM in your life?
Problems....Problems......Problems we all love problems. Who would you be without your weight problem? Think about it for awhile......You would be free, present and peaceful. So why do you do this to yourself? Why do you create something outside of you? You can never be your weight problem. You are something a lot more powerful, a lot more peaceful, joyful and loving. You instantly give your power away by creating a weight problem for yourself.
By creating problems you are creating separation. Separation from who you truly are. Your natural true authentic self is LOVE. LOVE is your freedom from your weight problem. Problems draw you away from your true self. With problems you get caught up in your compulsive thinking process. You are constantly thinking: I should eat this, I shouldn’t eat that, I need to run 10 miles I am going out for dinner tonight, I can’t rest today, I need to keep going. So tiring, so damaging to YOU. You create so many demands on yourself, on your body, no wonder your body doesn’t show you love in return.
By creating a weight problem in your mind you can’t be present in your body. Problems are created by the ego. Your compulsive thoughts are your ego. Ego is driven by fear and guilt. By you being your weight problem you will always experience guilt when you eat. That guilt is then manifested in your body as excess weight.
So, the truth behind long lasting weight loss is LOVE. LOVE for yourself is created by surrendering to your EGO. You can do this by choosing to live your life consciously from a place of love, by doing this the truth to who you truly are will be revealed with time.
This is what the,” lose weight be free programme” is all about. It’s about YOU creating freedom from your weight problem, so you can experience love, peace and joy.
By creating problems you are creating separation. Separation from who you truly are. Your natural true authentic self is LOVE. LOVE is your freedom from your weight problem. Problems draw you away from your true self. With problems you get caught up in your compulsive thinking process. You are constantly thinking: I should eat this, I shouldn’t eat that, I need to run 10 miles I am going out for dinner tonight, I can’t rest today, I need to keep going. So tiring, so damaging to YOU. You create so many demands on yourself, on your body, no wonder your body doesn’t show you love in return.
By creating a weight problem in your mind you can’t be present in your body. Problems are created by the ego. Your compulsive thoughts are your ego. Ego is driven by fear and guilt. By you being your weight problem you will always experience guilt when you eat. That guilt is then manifested in your body as excess weight.
So, the truth behind long lasting weight loss is LOVE. LOVE for yourself is created by surrendering to your EGO. You can do this by choosing to live your life consciously from a place of love, by doing this the truth to who you truly are will be revealed with time.
This is what the,” lose weight be free programme” is all about. It’s about YOU creating freedom from your weight problem, so you can experience love, peace and joy.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Well Known Causes of Weight Gain
Below are a few theories that could be linked to a sudden gain around the girth.
• It’s My Metabolism
• It’s my Age
Research has shown that from your mid-twenties onwards, your metabolism slows down each year. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) - the rate we burn calories at rest – begins to decline from age 25-30 along with the volume of lean muscle tissue. The result is an overall loss in Lean Body Mass (LBM) and a gain in adipose tissue – fatty tissue. However hard you are dieting, unless you’re exercising as well, you will automatically lose more than 3 kg of muscle tissue every decade, which results in a 2-5 per cent drop in metabolic rate every 10 years. That will guarantee a middle-age spread of more than a stone in fat by the time you are 45.
1lb of muscle requires about 35 calories a day just to function, while 1lb of fat needs only a couple of calories.
So if you want to lose weight you need to increase your lean muscle mass, big-time. You need to use your muscles to burn fat, there is no other way. Get exercising – Do cardiovascular exercise eg: fast walking, jogging, cycling to keep your heart healthy. Do light strength training to increase lean muscle mass. Do yoga to help you relax and take you away from your thinking mind and into your body.
• Sluggish Liver
• Nutrient Deficiencies
Most people will start having digestive problems between 45 and 55, when the body’s ability to produce digestive enzymes reduces by half. Middle-aged spread is very common amongst people with a sluggish liver and poor digestion. Do a detox and see a nutritionist if you think this could be a problem for you.
• Under active Thyroid
The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism and if it’s under active you may well be putting on unexplained weight.
• Yeast Infection
• Poor Diet & Digestion
• Food Allergies
Many people have big tummies because they’re carrying around up to nine meals worth of undigested food at any one time. All of us have more than a kilo of friendly bacteria living within us, its job is to break down the fibre and waste in the colon and help get everything moving out. But if you have consumed a diet of fast food, meat, milk, antibiotics and booze all their lives, the bad bacteria can multiply like mad and upset that balance. Food doesn’t get broken down and digested properly and it ends up dumped in the colon where it just sits and rots. Result? Bloating, gas and an enormous pot belly. Plan of action – Detox!
• Insulin Resistance – Syndrome x
Starchy carbs cause the body to release large quantities of the hormone insulin. The more your diet is made up of fast-releasing carbohydrates such as pastries, biscuits and even cornflakes, the more the body has to respond by producing insulin and the more your blood-sugar levels fluctuate. If this goes on indefinitely you put on weight because if you don’t burn it off the blood glucose, converted to glycogen, gets stored as fat. Over time, the insulin receptors and the pancreas just get exhausted from the constant demands and insulin resistance sets in. A high-protein, low-carb eating plan will sort out your insulin levels once and for all.
• It’s Hormonal
Menopause expert Dr John Stevenson, from Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College in London, says it’s already hard for women to maintain a healthy weight after the menopause because of hormonal and metabolic changes. ‘Older women tend to carry body fat around the waist in an “apple” shape, much as men do,’ says Dr Stevenson. Sadly, the older we get, the more we have to do. ‘Post-menopausal women have to eat less and/or exercise more just to maintain their weight as they get older. But if you want to lose weight, you need to eat less and increase activity,’ adds Dr Stevenson. So if you’re going through menopause and you find you’re gaining weight, don’t make it into an issue. Accept the changes that are taking place in your body, love your body the way it is. If you reject the change you will create unnecessary stress in your life which could manifest into some other illness or disease.
• Lack of Exercise
• I sit at a desk all day
Get yourself active, find something you enjoy doing. Remember exercise isn’t something you need to kill yourself doing. It can be fun, if you don’t like the gym do something like dance lessons, yoga or walking. There is definitely something you enjoy doing? Get on and do it.
• It’s Emotional
You find it hard to stop eating, you are constantly hungry. This is a sign that you are using food to numb unwanted feelings towards yourself. The solution here is to work with this feelings. The feelings are realted to lack of self-acceptance and self-confidence. So think about it, every time you overeat you are going to feel extremely guilt which decreases your self-acceptance and self-confidence more and more everytime. This creates a vicious cycle which will leave you on a downward spiral. The solution here is to tap into your own inner power and start creating a deep love for yourself.
The "Lose weight be free programme" will help you achieve this. More details at
Most of the above information was taken from the book, "The week-end weight-loss plan by suzi grant"
• It’s My Metabolism
• It’s my Age
Research has shown that from your mid-twenties onwards, your metabolism slows down each year. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) - the rate we burn calories at rest – begins to decline from age 25-30 along with the volume of lean muscle tissue. The result is an overall loss in Lean Body Mass (LBM) and a gain in adipose tissue – fatty tissue. However hard you are dieting, unless you’re exercising as well, you will automatically lose more than 3 kg of muscle tissue every decade, which results in a 2-5 per cent drop in metabolic rate every 10 years. That will guarantee a middle-age spread of more than a stone in fat by the time you are 45.
1lb of muscle requires about 35 calories a day just to function, while 1lb of fat needs only a couple of calories.
So if you want to lose weight you need to increase your lean muscle mass, big-time. You need to use your muscles to burn fat, there is no other way. Get exercising – Do cardiovascular exercise eg: fast walking, jogging, cycling to keep your heart healthy. Do light strength training to increase lean muscle mass. Do yoga to help you relax and take you away from your thinking mind and into your body.
• Sluggish Liver
• Nutrient Deficiencies
Most people will start having digestive problems between 45 and 55, when the body’s ability to produce digestive enzymes reduces by half. Middle-aged spread is very common amongst people with a sluggish liver and poor digestion. Do a detox and see a nutritionist if you think this could be a problem for you.
• Under active Thyroid
The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism and if it’s under active you may well be putting on unexplained weight.
• Yeast Infection
• Poor Diet & Digestion
• Food Allergies
Many people have big tummies because they’re carrying around up to nine meals worth of undigested food at any one time. All of us have more than a kilo of friendly bacteria living within us, its job is to break down the fibre and waste in the colon and help get everything moving out. But if you have consumed a diet of fast food, meat, milk, antibiotics and booze all their lives, the bad bacteria can multiply like mad and upset that balance. Food doesn’t get broken down and digested properly and it ends up dumped in the colon where it just sits and rots. Result? Bloating, gas and an enormous pot belly. Plan of action – Detox!
• Insulin Resistance – Syndrome x
Starchy carbs cause the body to release large quantities of the hormone insulin. The more your diet is made up of fast-releasing carbohydrates such as pastries, biscuits and even cornflakes, the more the body has to respond by producing insulin and the more your blood-sugar levels fluctuate. If this goes on indefinitely you put on weight because if you don’t burn it off the blood glucose, converted to glycogen, gets stored as fat. Over time, the insulin receptors and the pancreas just get exhausted from the constant demands and insulin resistance sets in. A high-protein, low-carb eating plan will sort out your insulin levels once and for all.
• It’s Hormonal
Menopause expert Dr John Stevenson, from Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College in London, says it’s already hard for women to maintain a healthy weight after the menopause because of hormonal and metabolic changes. ‘Older women tend to carry body fat around the waist in an “apple” shape, much as men do,’ says Dr Stevenson. Sadly, the older we get, the more we have to do. ‘Post-menopausal women have to eat less and/or exercise more just to maintain their weight as they get older. But if you want to lose weight, you need to eat less and increase activity,’ adds Dr Stevenson. So if you’re going through menopause and you find you’re gaining weight, don’t make it into an issue. Accept the changes that are taking place in your body, love your body the way it is. If you reject the change you will create unnecessary stress in your life which could manifest into some other illness or disease.
• Lack of Exercise
• I sit at a desk all day
Get yourself active, find something you enjoy doing. Remember exercise isn’t something you need to kill yourself doing. It can be fun, if you don’t like the gym do something like dance lessons, yoga or walking. There is definitely something you enjoy doing? Get on and do it.
• It’s Emotional
You find it hard to stop eating, you are constantly hungry. This is a sign that you are using food to numb unwanted feelings towards yourself. The solution here is to work with this feelings. The feelings are realted to lack of self-acceptance and self-confidence. So think about it, every time you overeat you are going to feel extremely guilt which decreases your self-acceptance and self-confidence more and more everytime. This creates a vicious cycle which will leave you on a downward spiral. The solution here is to tap into your own inner power and start creating a deep love for yourself.
The "Lose weight be free programme" will help you achieve this. More details at
Most of the above information was taken from the book, "The week-end weight-loss plan by suzi grant"
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Weight Issues!
Having a weight issues is only a symptom of what’s really going on. The moment we blame something externally we take the power away from ourselves. This instantly says that you believe that you can’t do anything about it, so why not put the blame on something else. The truth is that you actually have all the power inside of you to make the changes necessary. So why don’t you:
a) Some people don’t know this.
b) Some people are scared of facing the truth about themselves.
c) Some people are too lazy and don’t want to do the work, this is related to FEAR.
We all have the ability to live of life full of love, peace and happiness. The problem is that we live in a world where we want quick fixes (pills, surgery). The truth to permanent weight loss is learning how to create love for yourself which is a gradually process.
Working on yourself to gain inner strength, stillness & peace can be the most exciting journey ever. When you see the changes occurring in your environment and on your body you will be motivated and inspired you to keep going.
Your daily life is a reflection of what is going on in your mind. You body is also a reflection of what is going on in your mind. By creating a "problem" you engage in using control to deal with it. Control is the work of our EGO, which is fear driven. When you do things from a place of LOVE by engaging in your own inner power you will get long lasting results.
a) Some people don’t know this.
b) Some people are scared of facing the truth about themselves.
c) Some people are too lazy and don’t want to do the work, this is related to FEAR.
We all have the ability to live of life full of love, peace and happiness. The problem is that we live in a world where we want quick fixes (pills, surgery). The truth to permanent weight loss is learning how to create love for yourself which is a gradually process.
Working on yourself to gain inner strength, stillness & peace can be the most exciting journey ever. When you see the changes occurring in your environment and on your body you will be motivated and inspired you to keep going.
Your daily life is a reflection of what is going on in your mind. You body is also a reflection of what is going on in your mind. By creating a "problem" you engage in using control to deal with it. Control is the work of our EGO, which is fear driven. When you do things from a place of LOVE by engaging in your own inner power you will get long lasting results.
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