Weight Issue? Stressed? No Self-Confidence? You have come to the right place. I am a weight loss coach who is extremely passionate about helping people overcome their issues with food. If this sounds like you please be in touch. Go to: www.createchangewithin.com

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Weight Issues!

Having a weight issues is only a symptom of what’s really going on. The moment we blame something externally we take the power away from ourselves. This instantly says that you believe that you can’t do anything about it, so why not put the blame on something else. The truth is that you actually have all the power inside of you to make the changes necessary. So why don’t you:

a) Some people don’t know this.

b) Some people are scared of facing the truth about themselves.

c) Some people are too lazy and don’t want to do the work, this is related to FEAR.

We all have the ability to live of life full of love, peace and happiness. The problem is that we live in a world where we want quick fixes (pills, surgery). The truth to permanent weight loss is learning how to create love for yourself which is a gradually process.

Working on yourself to gain inner strength, stillness & peace can be the most exciting journey ever. When you see the changes occurring in your environment and on your body you will be motivated and inspired you to keep going.

Your daily life is a reflection of what is going on in your mind. You body is also a reflection of what is going on in your mind. By creating a "problem" you engage in using control to deal with it. Control is the work of our EGO, which is fear driven. When you do things from a place of LOVE by engaging in your own inner power you will get long lasting results.

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