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Friday, 30 July 2010

Is weight your PROBLEM in your life?

Problems....Problems......Problems we all love problems. Who would you be without your weight problem? Think about it for awhile......You would be free, present and peaceful. So why do you do this to yourself? Why do you create something outside of you? You can never be your weight problem. You are something a lot more powerful, a lot more peaceful, joyful and loving. You instantly give your power away by creating a weight problem for yourself.

By creating problems you are creating separation. Separation from who you truly are. Your natural true authentic self is LOVE. LOVE is your freedom from your weight problem. Problems draw you away from your true self. With problems you get caught up in your compulsive thinking process. You are constantly thinking: I should eat this, I shouldn’t eat that, I need to run 10 miles I am going out for dinner tonight, I can’t rest today, I need to keep going. So tiring, so damaging to YOU. You create so many demands on yourself, on your body, no wonder your body doesn’t show you love in return.

By creating a weight problem in your mind you can’t be present in your body. Problems are created by the ego. Your compulsive thoughts are your ego. Ego is driven by fear and guilt. By you being your weight problem you will always experience guilt when you eat. That guilt is then manifested in your body as excess weight.

So, the truth behind long lasting weight loss is LOVE. LOVE for yourself is created by surrendering to your EGO. You can do this by choosing to live your life consciously from a place of love, by doing this the truth to who you truly are will be revealed with time.

This is what the,” lose weight be free programme” is all about. It’s about YOU creating freedom from your weight problem, so you can experience love, peace and joy.


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